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What do you do in your first 30 days as an agent?

downline new agents tips for new realtors Feb 18, 2022

First off, congratulations. You are now a brand new agent who just got your license. Now, what do you need to do? 

Here are some of the things you need to do in your first 30 days as a Real Estate Agent. 

 1.  You need to learn the business. 
 You definitely need to learn the business upfront. To be very clear, you need to get a good understanding of the documents that you're going to need in order to attract and attain business and also to execute deals to do business. These things, in particular, are one of the most essential things that you need to have a solid foundation on: 

 Learn your contract. Specifically, get an understanding of these things stated in your contract: 

  • The Real Estate Contract in your local area.
  • All the Major Addendums  
  • For brand new agents here in Texas, you need to know the One To Four-Family Contracts.
  • Understand The Third Party Financing Addendum.
  • Understand the HOA Addendum.
  • Understand the Appraisal Addendum.
  1. Understand the Buyer's Representation Agreement.
    You need to make sure that as an agent, you can assist your clients in signing and making them understand a Buyer's Rep. The truth is, If you can’t articulate this agreement well, and assist your clients in signing a five-page document, they start losing confidence in you. That is why you need to be able to explain that to them.

  2. Be familiar with the  Listing Agreement.

If you're going after listings, you definitely need to understand how to structure a Listing Agreement. You need to know what are the dos and dont’s when representing a seller. 

Brand new realtors who are a part of my downline,  have access to this information so they can get started on their journey with ease and confidence. I do these 13 15 18 minute videos that go over each one of the contracts for you. 

 Now, if you are not part of my downline but you're part of eXp, We have a Contract Training Class in our  State of Texas twice a week here. And other states do the exact same thing.

For those who are not a part of eXp, I'm sure your brokers have some type of training on the contracts in your local area.

  1. Meet all the needed requirements.

You also need to ensure that you meet all the requirements that are needed. For example, here in Texas, we are required to have two documents on our emails, The Consumer Protection Notice And the Information about Brokerage Service. No matter what state that you're in, You need to make sure you have those particular notices on your information, particularly, on your email signature. Check to see if you have all your  Compliance Stuff done upfront and put it on your email signature, your Facebook page, your Instagram. Make sure you understand these required documents by your State.

  1. Strategize your marketing plan. 

You need to put your marketing plan out there from the big go. And I'm just talking about the basic stuff. And I can't tell you how many times I see folks that don't have the basic stuff. Some of the basic stuff that I'm talking about is just a Real Estate profile. Do you have a profile on Zillow? Do you have a profile on,,  or any other major players in your market? Those are National Players. That’s why you need to have a Real Estate  Profile, resume, and Bio ready to go. All that information just starts putting that together so you look more professional, and rightfully so people can find you.

  1. Boost your Social Media Presence. 

You need to have exactly the same information on your Social Media. Set up your Facebook Business  Page and an Instagram Business Account if you plan on running ads. People will look you up online, which brings me to my next point. 

  1. Clean your stuff online. 

You can push certain people away from you when you’re doing and saying wild and crazy things on your Social Media. The same can be said towards attracting certain people towards you. So that's up to you how you want to run your business. There are repercussions for what we say freedom of speech and everything else for that. My grandfather told me a long time ago that every man is accountable for his own words. So if you're going to say some stuff,  be ready, to back that up, and be ready for the blowback that comes to your business. 

  1. Learn important Realtor life skills. 
    These are the two most important skills that you need to learn as a Realtor.  What are these things? 
  • The MLS. 
    If you cannot run and do the MLS  in your area that is a problem. The MLS is our lifeblood. As Real Estate agents you need to know how to do the MLS. You need to have that solid understanding of how you can create different searches And send your clients up if you're using the MLS to send out homes. You need to have a set routine on how to get that done and how to check that and make sure that it's set up. When you set your MLS up you need to go ahead and set up your signature. You need to set up your landing page with the MLS. There's a lot that goes with the MLS. You should be going through the MLS training with your local board. You need to get a good understanding of how to do that. 

 Learn how to run comps.
You really need to understand how to run comps. Your clients can’t trust a Real Estate agent who can't explain the value of their home that they're trying to list or the value of the home that they're trying to buy? This is the single biggest transaction that everyone's going to make. You need to learn how to run comps. And you need to learn how to run comps in multiple ways. You need to be able to do quick CMAs, MLS. You can do a detailed CMA MLS. There's RPR, you can do it off of KV Core. If you have KV Core, you can do Cloud CMA. There are a plethora of ways. There's Homebot. You just need to know how to do it. And you need to know multiple ways of running comps because if one system goes down then what are you gonna do?  

  • Learn how to write the contract.
    You need to learn how to use your contract writing software. And what that means is can you write contracts? And Do loop can you write contracts and  Skyslope, so whatever it is or Docusign. Are you able to do that? And yes you need to learn multiple contract software's as well. Because when one system goes down you still need to be able to do that as well.
  1. Figure out your Schedule. 
    Let's talk about scheduling. You need to figure out your schedule. You desperately need to figure out your schedule early in your Real Estate career. Are you going to be on a schedule in terms of if you're part-time versus full-time? Let me just say that if you're part-time,  you definitely have to live by a schedule. Because you have less time to do this to reach your goals. So you need to figure out how to block your schedule off. When are you going to be lead-generating?  Do We know you're going to be doing money-generating activities? And you need to kind of get that stuff completely figured out of what you're going to do. And when you're going to do it.  That is super super important.

And a lot of folks who get started in the business get crippled by that Because you're going to do one or two things. It's going to your capacity. If you don't figure out your schedule because you don't have as much time or you're not using your time wisely. And if you don't get your capability up at the same time now, you're going to be even less productive. 

8. Figure out your lead generation pillars. 
What are your lead generation pillars? You need to understand how you're going to generate leads And how you're going to keep your business moving. Bottom line: everything works and everything doesn't work. It's about how you execute it. There are certain things that we have to do that just make sense as a Real Estate Agent. You know we need to be visibly known. We need to be seen, we need to have a website put together. I left that one off, definitely get your website together ASAP. But how you want to lead makes sense.

I hope these tips are helpful in helping you jumpstart your first 30 days as an Agent. Hit me up if you have any questions.

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