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real estate technology is an essential aspect of the industry. As a real estate agent, you need to have the right tools and software to be productive and efficient in your work. The essential tools that every real estate agent needs include a cell phone, CRM system, email system, real estate website, and social media. It is essential to choose the right tools that suit your needs and integrate with

Real Estate Technology: What You Need To Get Started

computer crm phone real estate realtor technology Mar 14, 2023

Real estate technology has become an essential aspect of the industry. With the advancements in technology, there is an array of tools and software available to help real estate agents to be more productive and efficient in their work. However, it can be challenging for new agents to know what technology they need to be successful in the industry.

In this blog post, we will discuss the essential real estate technology that every agent needs to have. We will also provide some recommendations to help you choose the best tools and software for your needs.

  1. Cell Phone

The first and most essential tool that every real estate agent needs is a cell phone. You need to be able to make phone calls to your clients and potential leads. Having a local number is always better, as people tend to ignore calls from unfamiliar numbers. If you don't have a local number, you can use Google Voice or other similar services. However, it is essential to have a reliable phone service to make calls and send messages.

  1. CRM

The second essential tool that every real estate agent needs is a good CRM (customer relationship management) system. A CRM is an essential tool that helps agents manage their leads and clients. It can help you stay organized and keep track of your clients' information, such as contact details, notes, and communication history. A good CRM system can help you streamline your workflow and be more efficient in your work.

There are several CRM systems available in the market, and it can be challenging to choose the right one. The best CRM system is the one that you will use regularly. Some popular CRM systems for real estate agents include Real Geeks, Top Producer, and Follow Up Boss. However, it is important to choose a CRM that integrates with other tools and software you use.

  1. Email System

The third essential tool that every real estate agent needs is a good email system. Email is an essential communication tool in the real estate industry. You need to be able to send and receive emails to communicate with your clients and potential leads.

There are several email systems available, but the best one is the one that integrates with your CRM system. For instance, Real Geeks CRM has a built-in email system that allows you to send emails and track their effectiveness. However, if you're looking for an email system that allows you to send video emails, BombBomb is an excellent choice. BombBomb is a video email marketing platform that allows you to create and send video emails to your clients.

  1. Real Estate Websites

The fourth essential tool that every real estate agent needs is a professional real estate website. Your website is your online presence, and it should reflect your brand and personality. It should be easy to navigate, and the content should be relevant to your audience.

There are several website builders available, such as Squarespace, Wix, and WordPress. However, if you want a professional-looking website that integrates with your CRM system, you can use Real Geeks. Real Geeks provides a comprehensive website builder that allows you to create a professional-looking website that integrates with your CRM and other tools.

  1. Social Media

The fifth essential tool that every real estate agent needs is social media. Social media is an excellent way to connect with your audience and share your listings and services. You can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to promote your brand and engage with your audience.


In conclusion, real estate technology is an essential aspect of the industry. As a real estate agent, you need to have the right tools and software to be productive and efficient in your work. The essential tools that every real estate agent needs include a cell phone, CRM system, email system, real estate website, and social media. It is essential to choose the right tools that suit your needs and integrate with

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