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5 Tips on Working Online Leads

blog leads online real estate youtube Feb 08, 2023

Working with online leads doesn't have to be difficult, but it requires skill and knowledge. In this blog, Coach Sasha shares her secrets to success in real estate. In 2023, it is essential to master the art of online leads to having a great year in the industry.

The first tip is to call your leads as soon as possible. When someone registers on your website through a Google or Facebook ad, they expect a quick response. If you don't reach out to them within the first 48 hours, they may move on to another real estate website.

The second tip is to meet the call to action of your advertisement. For example, if your ad promises a cash offer for a home, make sure you can deliver on that promise. Don't make false promises just to get leads because it will harm your credibility.

The third tip is to send a video. If you can't reach the lead through a phone call or text message, send a personalized video introducing yourself. This helps build a connection and shows the lead that you are a real person, not a robot.

The fourth tip is to allow the lead to schedule with you. Make it easy for them to schedule a meeting or phone call with you. You can use an online scheduling tool or simply give them your availability.

In conclusion, working with online leads can be successful if you follow these simple tips. Don't miss the chance to connect with potential clients, call them as soon as possible, meet their expectations, show them you're a real person, and make it easy for them to schedule with you. Good luck in your real estate journey!

Here's a related youtube video from Coach Sascha:

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