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BombBomb 101: Let's Cover up some BombBomb Essentials.

bomb bomb Sep 07, 2021

One of the things that would set you up for success as a brand new agent, is the tools that you use to generate leads and nurture them. That is why I stressed out in my previous blog,  how important it is to do your research and know the tools and systems that are being implemented in a certain brokerage or team before signing up with them. Let's talk about one of the useful tools that I use in my team. This tool has greatly helped me grow my business in terms of lead generation and nurturing my leads. I'm talking about BombBomb. In today's blog, I will share my insights about what Bombbomb is, its pros and cons, and my general conclusion. 

As you know, I am a high-level Bombbomb user myself and I have been using it now for roughly I think about three and a half years now. My experience so far? I absolutely love it! And if you ask me why I have a ton of reasons to tell you. But here are my main reasons why I love BombBomb so much!

1. The dashboard
I love this awesome feature because this tells me at a glance how many videos, contacts, and emails I have created on BombBomb. As you know, I am a geek organizer, so this feature makes it easier for me to organize my contact, videos, and emails. I can easily tag, and label them according to their content. 

2. The Prompt
This is another cool feature that is only available on the Pro Version, which I would highly recommend. Getting the pro version of BombBom unlocks more awesome features that keeps you in front of your sphere. Even if you don't do anything else, the prom just takes care of you. For instance, if you need to post video messages on your Facebook or your LinkedIn profile, you can take advantage of its email feature and all you have to do is just record and send that email right away. 

Plus, the prompt gives you access to some really good content. It lets you create nice beautifully wrapped emails that look extremely professional better than anybody else's emails. 

3. Cool Email Templates. 
One thing that I really love most about BombBomb is the template.  BombBomb lets me build nice pretty wrap templates with links that will push customers towards my blog or website. I love to use a button to get people to raise their hands, and it is wonderful.

4. It helps me re-engage and nurture my leads.
Bombbomb lets me send out video emails to almost my entire database. Out of all the people who get my emails, a huge number of people would click on the play button and from this one email, I re-engaged fifteen different times. I've sold houses to seven of them. Sometimes, these clients would just slip through the cracks and be forgotten because I suck at following up.

But when I send my customer something to make them raise their hand, it alerts me so I can make a  phone call. This is one of the most awesome things that BombBomb can do for you,

 5. The Automations.
One thing that BombBomb has helped my business tremendously is automation. I know that you probably do some type of follow-up and you're probably not that good at it like me. Either way, BombBomb will help you ensure your emails run smoothly and that no ball gets dropped when following up with leads. Every single time my customers get an email, I'm putting my face in front of them, I am gaining their trust by showing my personality and helping them move down the path of homeownership,

I have created a lot of drip campaigns for long-term buyers, email drip campaigns for people who can't buy a house because they have a credit issue. I have also set one up for leads from new construction, expired leads, and even FSBOs. You name it- it is right here. This separates you from anyone else.

6. The Integrations. 
BombBomb integrates with almost everything. It goes really well with my Real Geeks and in every system that I have, except for KV Core. But I think that's a work in progress and it will integrate soon. This makes your work so much efficient and your systems run more smooth-sailing.

BombBomb is literally the bomb. I know that's corny but it is the bomb and it will make you the bomb agent that you want to be. There is nothing like it and it is so awesome. 

Now, the question is, are you willing to take your business to the next level and be the bomb agent that you can be? If you are curious about trying BombBomb, click this link so you can try it for free for the next 14 days. Try to discover its awesome features.  And if you do want to get the full version and sign up under my name, I am going to give you free access to my BombBomb Advanced Course. 

I've helped several agents around the nation use BombBomb and like them, I will help you get it going and work seamlessly with their systems. 

Call me if you have any questions

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