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Before You Get Your Realtor License: What You Should Know

2024 career real estate tips realtor Apr 19, 2024

Starting a career in real estate is both thrilling and full of opportunities. But before you jump into getting your realtor license, there are some important steps you should consider. These preparations can really lay the groundwork for a successful journey in real estate. Whether you're just dipping your toes in or thinking about a career switch, here's a friendly guide to get you started on the right foot.

Dive into the Local Real Estate Scene

First things first, get to know the lay of the land—literally. Before you take any formal steps, it's crucial to understand your local real estate market:

  • Market trends: What's hot and what's not? Are the prices skyrocketing, or are they taking a nosedive?
  • Who's who: Find out who the top realtors and agencies are. What makes them tick?
  • Client needs: Who's buying and who's selling? What seems to be their biggest concerns or desires?

You can scoop up this info by scouring online resources, hitting up local real estate gatherings, or simply chatting with folks in the industry.

Reflect on Your Skills and Passions

Real estate isn't just about selling houses; it's about connecting with people and understanding their dreams. Take a moment to think about your own skills and passions:

  • People skills: How do you handle conversations? Are you a good listener?
  • Sales savvy: Ever convinced someone to see things your way? How do you handle the ups and downs of negotiating?
  • Creative problem-solving: Can you think on your feet when challenges pop up?

Knowing what you bring to the table and where you might need some improvement can help shape your approach to this career.

Get Schooled

Yes, you'll need some formal education. Most states require you to take pre-licensing courses from accredited schools. Here’s what to look out for:

  • Accreditation: Make sure the program is recognized by your state’s real estate commission.
  • Learning style: Are you more of a classroom learner, or do you prefer to hit the books online?
  • Course content: Ensure the course covers everything you’ll need for the exam.

A solid educational foundation not only preps you for the exam but also arms you with knowledge you'll use every day in your career.

Plan Your Finances

Starting out in real estate can require some upfront investment. Before you dive in:

  • Education and licensing fees: Set aside funds for your classes, exam, and license.
  • Marketing yourself: Think about costs for things like business cards, a website, and ads.
  • Day-to-day expenses: From joining a brokerage to paying for listings on MLS, make sure you know what you’re getting into.

Having a clear financial plan can help you avoid surprises down the road.

Build Your Network

In real estate, who you know really does matter. Start making connections:

  • Meet professionals: Link up with other realtors, mortgage brokers, and inspectors.
  • Attend events: Real estate seminars and local networking events are gold mines for contacts.
  • Find a mentor: A seasoned pro can guide you through the ropes, from sealing your first deal to handling tricky negotiations.


Earning your realtor license is just the beginning. By understanding the market, evaluating your skills, pursuing the right education, planning financially, and networking effectively, you're setting yourself up for a fruitful career. It's all about preparing well and stepping forward with confidence. Here’s to your success in real estate—go get 'em!

By tackling these steps, you're not just preparing to pass an exam—you're laying the groundwork for a rewarding career that can grow and evolve over time. Good luck, and remember to enjoy the journey!

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