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The 5 mindset you need to have as an agent

downline tips for new realtors Mar 15, 2022

Having a positive mindset is everything, not just in life but more importantly in your business. The market has changed dramatically this year. So today, we will talk about mindset. Specifically, let’s talk about what mindset you need to have to get your Real Estate business going. 

 Mindset #1: This is your own business. 

 You own it. This is your business and not a hobby. Your team leader, your mentor, and your sponsor will never care more about your business than you care about it. If you treat this as a hobby, then this thing can be a very very expensive hobby. So, if you don’t have a mindset that you own this business and you are really truly the CEO of your business, then you're already falling behind in terms of being responsible and taking the right steps to be successful in this business. Own it as if you’re responsible for it and you are in charge of your business. This can be a daunting thing if you've never been in charge of something 

like this before but know this you own it it's yours it's your job to grow it. 

 Mindset #2: Surround yourself with positive people. 

I cannot say that enough. Positive people will pour into you. They will help you and guide you. They will truly share what is going on in this industry with you. As you know, there are secrets all throughout this industry and there are so many paths towards success. A lot of times people who are in brokerages or locations are not sharing the information with their network. I notice that in some brokerages, there are top dogs and producers way over there doing really great, and then there are agents on the other side of the spectrum who are starting down struggling and sometimes do not get into coaching or mentoring. If you're not around positive people, that is a problem. Negative people suck off your time and your

Energy. This means you cannot have a victim mentality in the Real Estate Industry unless you want to belong to the 80% of Agents who failed because of their mindset. It’s really easy to fail in this industry. But it's also very easy to succeed after being with the right people. When you’re around positive people, this will increase your opportunity for success. 

 Mindset #3: There are no excuses. 

There are no excuses for you not to be successful because we're in a market where you can pivot your business in a number of ways. Whether you're a realtor, an investor, a  brand new agent or, you're on a team, you can be successful. If cold calling doesn't work, you can try other strategies such as doing open houses or trying new Construction Homes. If none of those things work for you, you can do a number of things to make it work. I know a lot of agents who went way up and sold houses like wildfire because we did not allow the market to give us excuses and defeat us. No excuses have to be your mindset. There is always a solution, an opportunity, and an objection you can overcome. There will always be a tie-down that you can use. I am constantly evolving and constantly changing myself and my processes so we can stay on top as a team. I'm probably taking my business as far as I can personally individually do it. Which is I'm back on having a team again. 

 Mindset #4: Affirmations

I know a lot of people who do affirmations, and I also know a lot of people point out off affirmations and say, I don't want to do that. I used to do that as well but just saying positive things to yourself gives you life gives you energy. So when I say I have crazy affirmations, I'll tell you that right now I look in the mirror and I say you absolutely are the best realtor out here in DFW. These people need you. If you don't go out there and get involved, if you don't go out there and make these phone calls, they can't buy a house. They can't sell a house.  You're going to help someone today Sascha. You're going to bless them. It is your job to get it done. Those are my affirmations and I say those things every single morning. Then, I’d feel that inside, within my core, within my being and it gets me up and it drives me. I go to bed exhausted and wake up famished to do it over and over again. Saying some positive affirmations will definitely help you build that confidence. 

 Mindset #5: Realistic Goals 

You need to figure out how much you want to make in Real Estate so you can set realistic goals. Knowing your goals will help you determine the best systems, resources, and tools to get you there. You need to figure out what steps you need to take in order to reach your desired number or think about ways of how you can leverage with your partners, lenders, and inspectors so you can start scaling your business. Nothing kills your mindset quicker than having an unrealistic goal that is so unattainable. 

This is just a friendly message that I want to share with you because I really want to help a lot of agents with having the right mindset in 2022. The year 2022 is not going to be easy. You will need to overcome a lot of objections to the coming high-interest rates that may be coming our way and getting the job done. People need us they need to buy a home. People need to sell their homes and they're still going to do business with you or someone else. But if your mind says to fish, it won't be you. 

If you need a coach to help you get started on the right mindset, reach out to me and I’ll be more than happy to help you get started.

Call me if you have any questions

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