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5 Great Traits of a Successful Realtor

tips for new realtors Jul 01, 2021

Not everyone is cut out for the job as a Real Estate Agent.

 While it's good that some people are actually thriving in this field, there are still a few who are struggling to stay on top of the game. What is the secret weapon of most successful agents? What are some nice traits that we need to have in order to succeed?

 1. A Successful Realtor knows wise time management
As a Real Estate agent, you work outside the typical 9-5 hours. Your schedule can be erratic, it can be slow on some days, and yet, there are days when things can be too fast. So, if you do not control your schedule, you will not be running your business. Your business will run you. I myself am struggling to gain control of my schedule, because, I'm having a hard time following my schedule. So how do you get around with this issue?

The answer is simple: Time block your day so you can get the meaningful work done and commit to that time.

 2. A Successful Realtor is Consistent
A day in the life of a realtor revolves around doing lead generation work. So you need to dedicate that time on a consistent basis to do meaningful lead generation work. You need to do your follow-ups via emails, calls, and etc. I get it. You're busy, but you need to ensure that you are doing meaningful work, and not just being busy.

 3. A Successful Realtor Has a No guts, no glory mindset.
This might sound funny and weird but you need to call people. The reason why I'm laughing at this because a lot of agents just don't call people. This is going to be a  big problem because some agents only rely on emails. How many emails do you miss? You're probably missing emails of coupons that you don't need right now and just sitting there. You can't even find them at all. So you need to be hard bent on sending not just emails, but also texting them, calling them, double-tapping, calling them again, triple tapping, calling them again, anything to get them on the hook.

 If you don't have a strong mindset, you will just keep on letting these leads slip through the cracks. Usually, for brand new leads, I call them three times back to back to back. I  want them to go from hello who is this to what time can I show you houses?

4. A Successful Realtor is Resourceful
 Here's a surefire way to fail: Don't tell anybody you are an agent. Do not be the agent who does not have their stuff on social media. This is one great way to tell no one what you are doing. And then I get mad because their cousin went about a house with somebody else. Don't be that agent. Instead, spend some time working on your Social Media Presence and work on your sphere of Influence. Take advantage of the sphere of influence that revolves around you. I understand why you might be afraid of putting yourself out there. That sometimes people are secret agents because they got into the business or because they got kicked out of the whole industry. There's a lot of agents who got into the business, who got interested because they can't hold a meaningful job and they actually ashamed of it.

 5. A Successful Realtor Knows how to generate and work on their leads.
 How do you generate leads? If you don't know how to get one or work on the lead that you have, then it is going to be a problem. without leaves you have no pipeline, you have no life substance as an agent. So you need to be able to generate your own leads whether you're doing open houses or if you're doing Facebook as Google Ads. Even if you're working your sphere, you're paying for leads. You've needed to get at least in one way or another you need to get this figured out.

These are my top 5 great qualities that will make you successful as a Realtor. Do you have any more tips on how to become a successful realtor? Let me know in the comment section below.



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